P1629 TCM internal solenoid supply/watchdog


P1629 code

P1629 code - The transmission control module perform various internal tests to verify proper controller operation. During the power up of the controller, the TCM tests the ability of the TCM to shut down the solenoid supply voltage circuit. The controller monitors the A/D feedback on the solenoid supply driver output to ensure that battery voltage is no longer present. Note : A short voltage on the solenoid supply voltage circuit or any one of the solenoids may set this DTC. When monitored this DTC contiuously with the ignition on. Set condition if the TCM detect voltage on the solenoid supply circuit when the TCM request the circuit the circuit off. 

Possible causes P1629 code:

- Solenoid supply circuit shorted to voltage

- Transmission control module (TCM) 

Diagnostic test P1629 code

Check the solenoid supply circuit for a short to another circuit

Turn the ignition off to the lock position. Disconnect the TCM C1 and C2 harness connectors. Disconnect the transmission electrohydraulic control unit assembly harness connector. Measure the resistance between the solenoid supply circuit and every other circuit in the transmission electrohydraulic control unit assembly harness connector.

Is the resistance below 5.0 Ohms between the solenoid supply circuit and any other circuits in the transmission electrohydraulic control unit assembly harness connector ?

Yes, repair the solenoid supply circuit for a short to another circuits.

No, using the schematics as a guide, check the transmission control module terminals for corrosion, damage, or terminal push out. Pay particular attention to all power and ground circuits. If no problems are found, replace the TCM in accordance with the service information.

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