C121C-00 DODGE, CHRYSLER, DODGE CHARGER Torque Request Signal Denied

When monitored DTC C121C-00 Torque Request Signal Denied

  • Ignition on.
  • No under voltage DTCs.
  • Engine running.

C121C-00 DODGE Torque Request Signal Denied

Set conditions C121C Code

  • Powertrain Control Module (PCM) informed the Antilock Brake System (ABS) Module that it will not allow the engine torque reduction requests.
  • Engine is above 360 rpm.

Default Actions C121C Code

ABS is disabled.

Possible causes C121C Code

  • Excessive load on engine.
  • Antilock Brake System (ABS) Module.
  • Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

Diagnose code C121C-00 Torque Request Signal Denied

Note: If any PCM DTCs are present, perform the appropriate diagnostic.

Step 1. Check for an active DTC

Note: This DTC must be active for the results of this test to be valid and this DTC may set while driving under severe load conditions.

1. Turn the ignition on.
2. With the scan tool, read ABS DTCs and record on the repair order.
3. With the scan tool, read and record Freeze Frame information.
4. With the scan tool, erase DTCs.
5. Cycle the ignition switch from off to on.
6. Start the engine and raise the engine RPM to 2500.
7. With the scan tool, read ABS DTCs.

Is the DTC active?

YES, go to step 2.

NO, perform the ABS Intermittent condition.

Step 2. Check engine idle

Allow the engine to idle.

Does the engine run rough at idle?

YES, replace the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). Perform the PCM Verification test.

NO, replace the Antilock Brake System (ABS) Module.  Perform the ABS Verification Test.

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