B2224 SKREEM Internal

Set conditions DTC B2224 SKREEM Internal

Wireless Control Module (WCM)/Sentry Key Remote Entry Module (SKREEM).

Possible causes:
  • Wireless Control Module (WCM)/Sentry Key Remote Entry Module (SKREEM).
B2224 SKREEM Internal

Diagnose DTC B2224 SKREEM Internal

1. Turn the ignition on.

Note: Before continuing, review and check for the following:
  • Review the repair history of the vehicle.
  • Ensure that the vehicle has the correct PCM anD WCM/SKREEM installed by verifying the part numbers.
  • With the scan tool, ensure that the PCM and WCM/SKREEM are programmed correctly. Compare the PCM VIN to the WCM/SKREEM and ensure the two VINs match.
With the scan tool, clear DTCs. Perform 5 ignition cycles, leaving the ignition switch on for a minimum of 90 seconds per cycle. With the scan tool, read DTCs.

Did the DTC reset?

YES, replace and program the Wireless Control Module (WCM)/Sentry Key Remote Entry Module (SKREEM).

Note: If this vehicle is equipped with a steering column lock module, it must be replaced along with the WCM/SKREEM.

Perform the WCM system verification.

NO, the DTC is not active at this time. Test complete.

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